Why is it the some of the most ardent supporters of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the very men and women who have actually been and fought there?TF is currently a Sargent in the US Army Reserve, who has returned to the US after serving his 2nd tour of duty in Iraq. We should give serious consideration to this question and it's answer. After all these are the men and women who are voluntarily putting their lives on the line. They not only deserve to be honored, for their service, but valued for their POLITICAL opinions on the right or wrong of future actions. In the political arena, the military are no less citizens than we are; but they have the advantage of having been there, and done that. We don't.
In TF's most recent post "What's wrong with right?", we find the answer to the question of what's the right course generally for us to follow in Iraq, and why it is the correct course of action.
If people think that by setting a time line we are somehow encouraging the Iraqi government to shape things up they are dead wrong. How many times of late have we heard Iraqi officials say that they still need our help? How many times must they ask for our help before we realize that they are serious? If we leave Iraq now not only are we condemning decent Iraqi people to prolonged and intense misery, we are losing a possible ally in the Middle East (of which we so desperately need).Sargent Boggs gives us a chance to "Walk a Mile in His Shoes" so to speak. We all want to get out of Iraq, but the method of withdrawal will determine our nation's character and reputation in the World Community. The politicians would do well to listen to those with experience, rather than the polls. At the very least, our political leaders should balance the polls with the voices of the members of our Military.
It will take both a Military and a Political/Diplomatic solution to solve the conflict in Iraq. All war is this way. It has always been the job of the Military to make it safe enough for a Political/Diplomatic process to succeed. One cannot exist without the other. Premature military withdrawal from Iraq will condemn to failure any hope of a political/diplomatic peace.
Hopefully all of you will visit some of the MilBlogers and read what they think about the GWOT because you will not find their opinions in the MSM. I have several excellent ones indexed on the BlogRoll, read them ask questions and learn.
So many have said that those who forget History are doomed to repeat it. The History of Vietnam is the most recent applicable situation. Millions of Vietnam and Cambodian citizens died as a result of our failure there, and 58,209 US military paid for that mistake as well. As of today, 3,898 US Military have paid for the beginning of a worthwhile US undertaking in the GWOT. We have made mistakes in Iraq, but we still have a chance for victory. To our Military, we owe our support, our respect and our gratitude. Most of all we owe them the chance to complete the mission they Volunteered to do for us.
Related article Congress Surrenders Iraq
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